A beautifully honest artist parent interview @artist_parent with Lāsma Poiša @lasmapoisa, an artist from Todmorden, UK.
Tell us about yourself?
I am photographer and educator currently living and working in West Yorkshire. My practice uses methods of documentary, portraiture and performance though still and moving image. I was born in Latvia but have spent my adult life in UK. I am a single mum to a toddler which means I am overstimulated and exhausted most of the time. I am a big animal lover and will incorporate animals in my photos whenever possible. For me photography is much more than just a medium or a chosen artform. Photography allows me to reflect, to process my experiences and to make sense of the world.
How has being a parent had a positive impact on your artistic practice?
Motherhood transformed my artistic practice. It gave me the confidence to express myself authentically without the doubts and insecurities of my childfree past. In the early days of the postpartum madness, I photographed myself with my baby daughter and had no idea how poorly I was. In that state devoid of thought, I photographed instinctively. I had no capacity to contextualise or to consider how my images would be perceived by an audience. It was somehow liberating. I guess my vulnerability resonated with others as my work started to get noticed. I am a lot less anxious about the progress of my artistic practice now because I have no time to worry about it.
What are the challenges you have faced in your artistic practice being a parent?
The biggest challenges for me have been the lack of time and energy. I do a little bit whenever I can which is not a lot, but it keeps my practice alive. Apart from commissioned work, my practice examines my own experiences, so it is easy to incorporate it in my everyday life. Photography is a rewarding medium for artists with time deficiency. I know I will have more time and energy as my daughter grows older.
Any advice for other Artist Parents and how they can continue to nurture their practice?
Creating art is equivalent to self-care for an artist. Even just five minutes of creativity—whether daily, weekly, or monthly—can sustain your practice and preserve your sanity.
Is there anything else you would like to say, share or promote?
My solo exhibition Returnings is currently on show at Imaginary Wines in Todmorden in West Yorkshire until 31st December 2024. The series documents my visits my birthplace Latvia, examining what it means to both belong to a place and feel distanced from it.
Thank you to Lāsma for sharing her story and thank you for reading. If you would like to read more stories or for your work to be shared then follow and tag @artist_parent on Instragam.
Uploaded 17th December 2024