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Artist Parent Interview: Catherine Minford

A wonderful and honest artist parent interview @artist_parent with Catherine Minford @catherineminford, an artist from Belfast.

Tell us about yourself?

I am lucky to have a full time job. But in return for this security, I hold a lot of stress in my shoulders. Painting and making things from clay seems to ease it, so once the kids’ homework is done, once they’ve eaten dinner and once they are in bed I lift the first brush. In spite of doing life drawing for years and even selling some in a local gallery, I stopped all art for years after I had kids. I seemed to lose confidence in my ability to do it and snatched sketches here and there just reinforced the idea I was no good and should just give up. I started with polymer clay sculptures inspired by politics around Brexit. These were bought by the Arts Council NI and the NICS. My first few paintings were pretty ropey, but I feel like I’m starting to really enjoy it now.

How has being a parent had a positive impact on your artistic practice?

The kids are good critics and natural encouragers. They tell me all the time that my work is good, or that I just need to “try a bit harder next time”. Whatever comments they throw at me usually help. One useful thing having children has taught me is that every minute of my time in the evening is precious. There just isn’t enough time to watch stupid tv nonsense about finding antiques or selling houses. After the kids came along, I spent loads of time watching CBeebies or Milkshake. Now they are a bit older, they don’t want me with them while the stupid YouTubers are saying confusing things in loud American voices. This is the best time. Those stupid YouTubers are actually helping me to be a better artist.

What are the challenges you have faced in your artistic practice being a parent?

I would love to be a full time artist. I feel like I would get so much better, so much faster if I was in an artist studio being inspired by others and even feeling a bit competition with them! However, having kids means I cannot and will not give up a full time wage. For me it’s just not feasible. So for now, I’m a night time artist. And that’s as good as it gets - for the time being anyway.

Any advice for other Artist Parents and how they can continue to nurture their practice?

The best piece of advice was given to me by my friend Hannah. We were at a kids party in a very smelly soft play place and she recommended my first audio book. She rightly anticipated that it would divert my attention from the negative inner monologue that stopped me painting in the first place. She was so right.

Is there anything else you would like to say, share or promote?

If anyone else knows they should be painting, but keep finding excuses not to. Buy some headphones. Listen to something that interests you and get going!!!

Thank you to Catherine for sharing her story and thank you for reading. If you would like to read more stories or for your work to be shared then follow and tag @artist_parent on Instragam.

Uploaded 10th January 2025

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